Maikong Colonic Hydrotherapy Machine
Te fare / Colon Hydrotherapy Machine / Te hoê matini tamâraa i te mau tao'a e vai ra

Te hoê matini tamâraa i te mau tao'a e vai ra

Te hoê matini tamâraa i te mau tao'a e vai ra
  • Te tuatapaparaa i te parau i teie nei!

    Te hoê matini tamâraa i te mau tao'a e vai ra Te hoê matini tamâraa i te mau tao'a e vai ra Te hoê matini tamâraa i te mau tao'a e vai ra Te hoê matini tamâraa i te mau tao'a e vai ra


    The Descriptions of Natural Therapy Colonic Cleanse Machine:

    Natural Therapy Colonic Cleanse Machine, tei matau - atoa - hia mai te tamâraa i te fenua aihuaraau aore ra te pîpîraa i te fenua ai, e rave - pinepine - hia te reira ei ravea rapaauraa monoraa. Te fa o teie faanahoraa, o te faaoreraa ïa i te pape taero, haapararai, arai i te mau ma'i, Te mau nota, e haamaitai i te ea e te maitai o te tino.
    Ua itehia e, teie huru raveraa, o te faaohiparaa ïa i te parau ra " Colonet Colonic Machine " , e mau ravea rapaauraa tei opuahia na mua ' ' e no te faaineine i te aau na mua ' ' e i te mau ravea rapaauraa i te pae o te mau tao'a e vai ra i roto i te tino aore ra i te pae o.
    I te rahiraa o te taime, e tarava te taata hoo i nia i te ro'i e e pâmuhia te pape anuvera tamau i roto i te rectum na roto i te hoê tuio. E tiavaruhia te mau pape e te mau pehu na roto i te tahi atu tuio. Te hoê faito pape rahi, tae atu i te 60 E faaôhia te mau pereoo uira i roto i te fenua aihuaraau na roto i te rectum. E nehenehe e rave faahou i te reira ohipa e rave rahi taime.

    The Features of Natural Therapy Colonic Cleanse Machine:

    1. E te afata ume e te afata ume
    2. Te hoê tâpûraa papu e te papu
    3. Rave'a opani-roa-hia
    4. Patuhia i roto i te faanahoraa o te mau ma'i haapê
    5. Te faaitiraa i te puai o te pape
    6. Te mau reni pape e te mau tuatiraa

    7. Te faaheporaa e te anuvera i raro a'e i te mau ravea parururaa

    8. Parau-ti'a, Hi'opo'araa i te anuvera e a tapiri i te matini roro uira

    Te faahopearaa tahutahu o te rapaauraa i te aau:

    ?Haamaitai i te tu'atiraa, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te

    ?Haamaitai i te mana'o, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, te hâu'a o te tino e te hâu'a o te tino

    ?Haamaitai roa ' tu â i te tao'a maramara o te uric

    ?Te haamaitairaa i te poriaraa o te opu

    ?Te haamaitairaa i te toto e te tereraa o te toto i roto i te toto.

    ?A haamaitai i te mau vahi pouri e te iri taratara

    ?Haapuairaa i te upaa e te ohipa a te mape

    ?A haapae i te raau tano ore e a ape i te rapaauraa matapo.


    ?Aita,No te Pŭpŭ no te Tino Ahuru Ma Piti

    ?E ere i te mea ite ore, e ere i te mea ino

    ?Aita e faatîtîraa

    ?Eita te reira e haamou i te mau raau e te mau raau ta'ero

    ?E mea papû maitai te ana'iraa, e mea au maitai te ana'iraa

    ?Aita e faahopearaa amuihia

    ?Te huru oraraa o te taata tataitahi e te tura

    ?Te pahono nei te mau faanahoraa no te ea e no te oraraa maitai i te faanahoraa " Séminaire " no te matahiti 2030


    Te hoê matini tamâraa i te mau tao'a e vai ra Te hoê matini tamâraa i te mau tao'a e vai ra Te hoê matini tamâraa i te mau tao'a e vai ra Te hoê matini tamâraa i te mau tao'a e vai ra


    Colonic cleanse machine is a device that cleanses the colon or large intestine. It is used to remove toxins, undigested food, and other waste materials from the colon, and improve overall health. I roto i teie tumu parau, we will discuss the history, parau tumu no te ohipa, Te mau nota, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, who needs it, and application industries of the colonic cleanse machine.




    The colonic cleanse machine, also known as a colonic irrigation machine, has been in use for over 100 years. The ancient Egyptians practiced colon cleansing, and the Greeks and Romans also used enemas to treat constipation and other ailments. In the 19th century, medical experts began to study the colon and its importance to overall health. Today, colonic cleanse machines are used worldwide for colon cleansing and detoxification.


    Te faaohiparaa i te parau tumu

    The colonic cleanse machine uses purified water to flush out the colon. The water is introduced into the colon through a tube inserted into the rectum. The water is then expelled, along with the waste products and toxins that have accumulated in the colon. This process is repeated several times during a colonic cleanse treatment.




    1. Detoxification: The colonic cleanse machine helps to remove toxins and waste materials from the colon, which can improve overall health.

    2. Haamaitairaa i te faatoparaa maa: A clean colon can improve digestion and nutrient absorption, leading to better overall health.

    3. Te topa - roa - raa te kilo: Colon cleansing can help to remove excess waste materials from the body, leading to weight loss.

    4. Improved Energy: A clean colon can improve energy levels and reduce fatigue.

    5. Improved Mood: Colon cleansing can help to improve mood and mental clarity.



    1. Preparation: Before using a colonic cleanse machine, it is important to prepare by drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy diet.

    2. Relaxation: During the treatment, it is important to relax and breathe deeply to allow the colon to release waste materials.

    3. Hygiene: The colonic cleanse machine should be cleaned and disinfected between uses to prevent the spread of infection.



    Who Needs It

    1. People with digestive problems, such as constipation, Te mau mana'o tauturu no te, or bloating. 2. People with skin problems, such as acne, eczema, or psoriasis. 3. People with allergies or food intolerances. 4. People with autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. 5. People with chronic fatigue or low energy levels.


    Application Industries


    1. Medical Spas: Colonic cleanse machines are commonly used in medical spas for detoxification and overall health improvement.

    2. Holistic Health: Holistic health practitioners often recommend colon cleansing as part of a holistic health program.

    3. Fitness and Wellness: Many fitness and wellness centers offer colon cleansing as part of a weight loss or detox program.

    4. Home Use: Home colonic cleanse machines are available for purchase for those who prefer to do their own cleanse treatments.


    Contact us

    The colonic cleanse machine is a safe and effective way to improve overall health and wellness. Whether you have digestive problems, Te mau fifi o te iri, or simply want to improve your energy levels, a colonic cleanse treatment can help.

    With its long history and proven benefits, the colonic cleanse machine is a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve their health.


    Tei roto tatou i te hoê pŭpŭ pereoo huti rima,Mai te mea e uiraa ta outou,Te feia e farii nei, a faaite mai.

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    Mai te mea e, aita te haponoraa i manuia, a faananea i ta outou api no te Itenati e a faaapî faahou.

    Sale Cousultant : Ua parau o Lucy vahine
    Taata a'o ia au i te ana'iraa : Mark Tane

    Te mau mea tu'ati