Maikong Colonic Hydrotherapy Machine
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Colon Hydrotherapy Machines

Colon Hydrotherapy Machines
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    Colon Hydrotherapy Machines Colon Hydrotherapy Machines Colon Hydrotherapy Machines Colon Hydrotherapy Machines

    Product Name
    Hot Detox machine factory colon hydrotherapy machine
    Multi-Function Beauty Equipment
    For Commercial
    Working temperature
    Working pressure
    0hpa- 50hpa
    Water flow speed
    AC-220V 50HZ


    The Descriptions of Colon Hydrotherapy Machines:

    Libbe Colonic Machine, tei matau - atoa - hia mai te tamâraa i te fenua aihuaraau aore ra te pîpîraa i te fenua ai, e rave - pinepine - hia te reira ei ravea rapaauraa monoraa. Te fa o teie faanahoraa, o te faaoreraa ïa i te pape taero, haapararai, arai i te mau ma'i, Te mau nota, promote general health and

    It is known that such procedure commonly involved the use of “Colonic Irrigation Systems” , e mau ravea rapaauraa tei opuahia na mua ' ' e no te faaineine i te aau na mua ' ' e i te mau ravea rapaauraa i te pae o te mau tao'a e vai ra i roto i te tino aore ra i te pae o.
    I te rahiraa o te taime, e tarava te taata hoo i nia i te ro'i e e pâmuhia te pape anuvera tamau i roto i te rectum na roto i te hoê tuio. E tiavaruhia te mau pape e te mau pehu na roto i te tahi atu tuio. Te hoê faito pape rahi, tae atu i te 60 litres would be introduced into the

    colon via the rectum. E nehenehe e rave faahou i te reira ohipa e rave rahi taime.

    The Features ofColon Hydrotherapy Machines:

    1. E te afata ume e te afata ume
    2. Te hoê tâpûraa papu e te papu
    3. Rave'a opani-roa-hia
    4. Patuhia i roto i te faanahoraa o te mau ma'i haapê
    5. Te faaitiraa i te puai o te pape
    6. Te mau reni pape e te mau tuatiraa
    7. Te faaheporaa e te anuvera i raro a'e i te mau ravea parururaa
    8. Parau-ti'a, Hi'opo'araa i te anuvera e a tapiri i te matini roro uira


    Colon hydrotherapy machines are devices used to clean the colon by flushing out unwanted waste and toxins from the body. The use of colon hydrotherapy machines has gained popularity in recent years due to its numerous benefits.



    Colon hydrotherapy, tei pii - atoa - hia te pîpîraa i te mau fenua aihuaraau, has been used for hundreds of years as a way to cleanse the body of toxins. The ancient Egyptians, Heleni, and Romans used enemas to cleanse the colon. In the modern era, colonics began to gain popularity in the early 20th century. The first colon hydrotherapy machine was developed in the 1920s, and since then, the technology has advanced significantly.

    Te faaohiparaa i te parau tumu

    Colon hydrotherapy machines use filtered, temperature-controlled water to gently flush out the colon. The water is introduced into the colon through a small tube called a speculum, which is inserted into the rectum. The water helps to soften and remove hardened fecal matter, which can accumulate in the colon over time. The procedure is painless and usually takes about 45 minutes.


    Colon hydrotherapy machines offer many benefits to people who suffer from digestive issues, chronic constipation, or other health problems. Here are a few of the benefits of using colon hydrotherapy machines:

    1. Cleanse the colon: Colon hydrotherapy machines help to flush out toxins, undigested food, and other impurities from the colon.

    2. Improve digestion: By removing the buildup of waste from the colon, colon hydrotherapy machines can improve digestion and reduce bloating and constipation.

    3. Boost immune system: Eliminating toxins from the body can boost the immune system, improve energy levels, and reduce inflammation.

    4. Weight loss: Colon hydrotherapy machines can help to kick-start a weight loss routine by reducing bloating and aiding in elimination.


    How to Use Colon Hydrotherapy Machines


    Using a colon hydrotherapy machine is simple and easy. Here are the steps:

    1. Consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that colon hydrotherapy is appropriate for you.

    2. Prepare for the procedure by eating a light meal and drinking plenty of water.

    3. Lie down on the table and insert the speculum into the rectum.

    4. The machine will begin to pump filtered water into the colon, which will stimulate bowel movements.

    5. I muri a'e i te tâpûraa, you may need to rest for a short period before resuming normal activities.


    Who Should Use Colon Hydrotherapy Machines


    Colon hydrotherapy machines can be beneficial for anyone who suffers from digestive issues or constipation. It is also appropriate for people who are looking for a way to improve their overall health and wellness. However, there are some people who should not use colon hydrotherapy machines, including pregnant women, people with certain medical conditions, and those who have recently had abdominal surgery. Always consult with a healthcare professional before using a colon hydrotherapy machine.


    Application Industries


    Colon hydrotherapy machines are commonly used in wellness spas, clinics, and hospitals. They are also used in the beauty and anti-aging industry to help improve skin health and complexion.

    If you are interested in purchasing a colon hydrotherapy machine or have any questions about the benefits of colon hydrotherapy, please do not hesitate to contact us via email, Eaha te mea e tupu mai, e aore râ, a vaiiho i te hoê poro'i i ni'a i ta tatou tahua itenati. We are happy to assist you.


    Tei roto tatou i te hoê pŭpŭ pereoo huti rima,Mai te mea e uiraa ta outou,Te feia e farii nei, a faaite mai.

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    Mai te mea e, aita te haponoraa i manuia, a faananea i ta outou api no te Itenati e a faaapî faahou.

    Sale Cousultant : Ua parau o Lucy vahine
    Taata a'o ia au i te ana'iraa : Mark Tane

    Te mau mea tu'ati